Church of Lust - new beginnings.

So, I have been dormant for a little while, getting some finances and a small breakdown of creative flow taken care of. As I find myself rising up from the darkness of my own mind and seeing the light again, I find myself wanting to create once more. 

I have started working on Church of Lust again, although the going is a bit slow, and I have also started the preproduction on this, the fifth game in my adventure series. I tend to really enjoy the world building and storywriting for my games, while (as most of my followers know) slightly dreading making the art for my games. In an ideal world there would be two of me: an artist and a writer, but as it is it is just me out here.

For Church of Lust work will be going slow and steady, one character at a time. This to ensure my own sanity. Meanwhile, I will be working on the preproduction parts Caves of Sorrow to give my mind a break from the art tedium, and to make sure I get some coding done even on days where I feel a lull setting in.

I also want to thank people who have reached out, or who have shown some concern in these last few months. I will try and take it a bit slower, and only work when I have the energy for it moving forward.

My main goal is to finish the Joseph Earnwhile III series of games. I am hoping to finish before next summer, and have all three trilogies up and running by then.

-WeirdoBeardo89 out!

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