Crypt of Sloth 1.0 - bugfixed 25.10.23

New things:

  • You can now pet the wolf-girl at max size.
  • There is a second (happier?) ending to Todd's quest, this includes two new small locations, and a new character.
  • A few girls have more to say.
  • Ringmaster got a name and his picture is now finally in place. A small oversight on my part.
  • A whole bunch of bugfixes, alias updates and other small fixes.
  • Spelling-corections, so many...

Hotfixes (after release):

Redowload to get these fixes in place.

  • Fixed entrance to pieshop not showing as it should.
  • Hunter now takes the pendant after you offer it to her.

What does the future hold now?

Except for bug-fixes and small updates I will now count this game as finished, and production will begin on my next game. First though: a small break from game design, only working on new ideas and fun stuff as inspiration hits for the next little while. Me and the wife also need some more time together, and have a new Mario game to get through together.  I will  still be answering messages and be around, just calming down the programming a bit for a few days, at least until after Halloween is over.

-WeirdoBeardo89 out!


Oct 11, 2023
quest580.exe 29 MB
Oct 11, 2023 47 MB
Oct 27, 2023

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