Land of Plenty 0.4.1

A longer development schedule than I first wanted, but once I went back to my normal day job time just wasn't as plentiful anymore. I have also built myself a proper office space in my house with a new desk and chair, and updated my laptop to a much newer model since the last update in the Earnwile III series. So things are happening. Now: on to new and better things!


  • Two new goddesses to play with with their own gameplay styles ad new puzzles to solve.
  • A completely revamped inventory system for the crafting items.
  • Descriptions have been updated for most rooms.
  • Spelling and coding corrections.
  • Some slightly updated dialogue here and there to tie the game together a bit better.


  • Fixed a bug when handing over 5 fibers to the snake god.
  • Altered the descriptions for pipes to show the right directions for the water flow.
  • Made sure all the meat now works as it should.

My plans for the year may have to be altered slightly. I am looking at my calendar and seeing signs that making the last three gams in the main series before the end of the year may be too ambitious. Even with how simple may games may be, they do take a lot of time and effort. If need be I will postpone the last game in the series (Gods of Sin) until 2025 and focus in on chapter seven and eight.


quest580.exe 29 MB
80 days ago 19 MB
12 days ago

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